
Krishnan Anandhu
Rawat Aditya


The presented article reflects a modern view on the capabilities of the diagnostic algorithm for vaginal cancer ( VLC ), a rare malignant neoplasm of the female reproductive system. The algorithm is presented in the form of a consensus of leading specialists in radiation diagnostics and gynecological oncologists dealing with the problems of diagnosis and treatment of RVL . The article outlines the main trends in the use of radiological diagnostic methods, their role and possibilities for staging RVl , planning and evaluating the effectiveness of therapy, dynamic monitoring of patients who have undergone specialized antitumor treatment.


How to Cite
Krishnan Anandhu, & Rawat Aditya. (2024). RADIATION DIAGNOSIS OF VAGINAL CANCER. Journal the Coryphaeus of Science, 6(1), 276–285. Retrieved from http://jtcos.ru/index.php/jtcos/article/view/226