Abstract: thyroid gland is a small organ located on the front surface of the neck in its
lower part. It consists of two lobes located along the sides of the windpipe. As a rule, the
right lobe of the gland is larger than the left. The lobes are connected by an isthmus lying
on the anterior surface of the trachea. The thyroid gland in an adult weighs an average of
16-30 g, but its weight in some cases can vary within more significant limits – from 5 to
50 g. In a newborn, the thyroid gland weighs 1 g. By the year its weight doubles, and by
the age of 25 – 20 times. Especially rapid growth of the thyroid gland is observed at the
age of 12-15 years. With age, the size of the thyroid gland decreases. In women, it is
usually greater than in men.

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