
Negmatov I.S.


Improving the results of radiological diagnosis of post-necrotic pancreatic cysts. Materials and methods. The study included 129 patients diagnosed with pancreatic cyst (34% women, 65% men). All patients underwent MSCT of the abdominal cavity with contrast enhancement. 26 patients underwent percutaneous cystography, 29 – endoscopic cystography, 14 – endoscopic retrograde pancreatography ( trazograf contrast agent ). During the study, differential diagnosis of cystic formations of the pancreas was carried out, the maturity of the pseudocyst wall , infection of the contents and the presence of depressurization of the Wirsung duct were determined. Results and discussion. According to the results of MSCT, cystic tumors of the pancreas were detected in 17% of patients (this group was not included in the study), an unformed postnecrotic cyst was diagnosed in 19%, and a wall of a pseudocyst has been formed; 25% of cysts are infected, 75% are sterile. According to the results of percutaneous cystography, endoscopic cystography, endoscopic pancreatography, depressurization of the main pancreatic duct was detected in 27%, 31% and 43%, respectively. Conclusions. The sensitivity of radiation research methods in the diagnosis of postnecrotic pancreatic cysts (PNPC) is high and ranges from 95 to 100%.


How to Cite
Negmatov I.S. (2024). POSSIBILITIES OF RADIATION METHODS IN THE DIAGNOSIS OF PANCREAS PSEUDOCYST. Journal the Coryphaeus of Science, 6(1), 387–394. Retrieved from http://jtcos.ru/index.php/jtcos/article/view/239